My voucher code isn't working. What should I do?
If your voucher code isn't working, please check the following:
1. Ensure you redeem the voucher in the country where it was issued.
2. Double-check that the code is entered correctly; it's case-sensitive (e.g., "I" is different from "L").
3. Make sure your device doesn't have an active VPN.
4. Confirm you're in the MENA region (TOD is only available in the Middle East and North Africa).
5. Verify you have a stable internet connection.
6. Remember that voucher codes expire after a certain period.
Why am I getting the "Coupon already used" error?
This error means the voucher code has already been used. To redeem it, make sure you're signed in to the correct account and avoid using multiple accounts.
Do voucher codes expire?
Yes, all voucher codes have an expiration date. For specifics, check the terms provided by the voucher provider.
Can I transfer my voucher code?
No, voucher codes are non-transferable. If the code is issued to a specific email address or phone number, only that account can redeem it.
I bought a TOD voucher through unofficial channels. Can I still use it?
Vouchers from unofficial sources aren't guaranteed to work and may not be accepted by TOD. Always buy from official TOD channels and partners.
Can I redeem a voucher code for an active subscription?
No, you can't apply a voucher code to an active subscription of the same type. For example, if you have an active TOD 4K subscription and receive a TOD 4K voucher, you must wait until your current subscription ends.
Can I redeem a voucher code for a different subscription?
If your voucher allows an upgrade, sign in to the TOD website, go to "My Account," apply the code, and follow the on-screen instructions.